“We are going to unveil the Tesla home battery, the consumer battery that would be for use in people’s houses or businesses fairly soon,” Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said during an earnings conference call with analysts Wednesday.
Combining solar panels with large, efficient batteries could allow some homeowners to avoid buying electricity from utilities. Morgan Stanley said last year that Tesla’s energy-storage product could be “disruptive” in the U.S. and in Europe as customers seek to avoid utility fees by going “off-grid.” Musk said the product unveiling would occur within the next month or two.
Die Stromversorger werden als noch ein grösseres Potenzial gesehen (glätten von Bedarfsspitzen)But the even larger market may be utility clients.
Das sind noch Unternehmer mit Visionen und hohen Zielsetzungen.Musk took his trademark "vision" to audacious new levels, telling analysts this week that he expects revenue increases of 50 percent a year for the next 10 years, which would bring the electric-car maker's market valuation to an Apple-esque $700 billion by 2025, far from its current valuation of about $25 billion. According to Musk's numbers, Tesla would have to generate about $350 billion in annual revenue at that valuation, implying sales volume of well over 5 million vehicles per year. That would have Tesla surpassing the 2014 sales of such familiar names as Nissan, Honda and Fiat-Chrysler -- at significantly higher profit margins -- within a decade.
Für Anleger bleibt TSLA weiterhin spannend,The industry's planned diversification into home battery systems over the next six months could synergize well with Musk's SolarCity, but it could just as well prove to be a distracting dead end. If recent history is a guide, EV makers suddenly "pivoting" into stationary storage is hardly a sign of rude health.
und dann noch jedem EV-Hersteller seine Tankstelle ...Tesla drivers, already accustomed to plotting road trips based on Supercharger availability, are increasingly making lodging decisions based on where they can charge overnight. And remote inns and bed & breakfasts are quickly realizing that offering electric vehicle charging is another way to market their properties and reel in affluent travelers.
Irgendwie ist das Ganze doch noch etwas irrational. Plädiere nach wie vor auf schnell austauschbare, standartisierte Batteriemodule.Nissan Motor Co., which sells the all-electric Leaf, has installed about 800 high-speed charging stations in the U.S. and aims to have 1,700 by the spring of 2016. BMW AG, Volkswagen AG and ChargePoint Inc. are building 100 fast-charging stations along the East Coast and West Coast corridors to support BMW’s i3, Volkswagen’s e-Golf and other electric vehicles.
As Musk strives to create a viable company for the long term, his most formidable challenger could be Toyota. The Japanese company swears by hydrogen fuel cells -- batterylike devices that produce power through an electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and air, with water vapor as the only byproduct.
Fuel Cells
The company started marketing its Mirai fuel-cell car for $61,000 in Japan in December and hopes eventually to be selling hundreds of thousands a year, says Yoshimi Inaba, chairman of North American sales. The Mirai travels 300 miles with a hydrogen tank that can be refilled in five minutes. With high-volume manufacturing, Toyota has cut the cost of handbuilt fuel-cell components by 95 percent since 2008, says Satoshi Ogiso, a Toyota executive who helped develop the hybrid Prius. During the next decade, he says, Toyota expects to cut today’s production costs of the Mirai by two-thirds.
.Tesla has seen better days: Fourth-quarter results were full of bad surprises, the company's prototype electric SUV has suffered multiple delays, and crashing oil prices weaken the case for electric vehicles. The stock has tumbled 30 percent since September
For weeks, analysts have been bull hunting. “Things are far from rosy,” Barclays’s Brian Johnson wrote to investors. Bank of America’s John Lovallo says Tesla’s stock is overpriced—by a staggering 70 percent. The basic argument goes something like this: Recent sales have been disappointing, and the cost of Elon Musk’s ambition is about to go up as he builds new plants. The numbers don’t justify Tesla’s stock price.
If you believe that plug-in cars are the future, says Albertine, "Tesla has a defensible, multi-year, multi-billion dollar competitive advantage that is growing every day."
um dann auch gleich klarzustellen, dass Porsche Kunden eben schon anders sind“Tesla has built an exceptional car,” Porsche chief Matthias Mueller said Friday at the brand’s annual press conference in Stuttgart, Germany. “They have a very pragmatic approach and set the standard, where we have to follow up now.”
Und was will Porsche konkret machen? Da tönt es reichlich vageThe brand’s customers “don’t want a smartphone on four wheels or the biggest touchscreen in the center console,” said Mueller. “At Porsche there’s no room for window dressing.”
Der "elektrische" Porsche ist ein Hybrid: Panamera S E-HybridThe Volkswagen AG unit plans to roll out its seventh model line by 2020, but has yet to make a final decision on the car’s form. Porsche previously said it might expand the Panamera coupe line with a smaller version or a more spacious shooting brake variant. Porsche has also been considering a sports car between the 911, which costs $151,100 for the Turbo version, and the $845,000 918 Spyder hybrid supercar. The new sports car model would be designed to challenge autos made by Ferrari SpA.
For an electric car, which would help the brand comply with tightening environmental regulations, Porsche is targeting a range of more 500 kilometers (310 miles) before needing to recharge, which shouldn’t take longer than a normal stop on a motorway, he said.
*Larry Page ist CEO von GoogleIn the first week of March 2013, Musk reached out to Page*, say the two people familiar with the talks. By that point, so many customers were deferring orders that Musk had quietly shut down Tesla’s factory. Considering his straits, Musk drove a hard bargain. He proposed that Google buy Tesla outright — with a healthy premium, the company would have cost about $6 billion at the time — and pony up another $5 billion in capital for factory expansions. He also wanted guarantees that Google wouldn’t break up or shut down his company before it produced a third-generation electric car aimed at the mainstream auto market.
While the two companies were negotiating, Tesla’s frenzy of sales calls began to pay off, and a lot more people started buying the Model S. With its quarter drawing to a close and two weeks worth of cash in its coffers, Tesla began selling thousands of cars, enough to post an $11 million quarterly profit on $562 million in revenue.
Within two weeks of that announcement, the company’s shares had doubled, and Tesla had repaid its $465 million loan from the U.S. Department of Energy early, with interest. Musk broke off his negotiations with Google. He no longer needed a savior.
Wobei "laufen" relativ ist. Tesla steigert den Umsatz rasant (wie Musks frühere Firmen), aber mit Gewinn ist im kapitalintensiven Autobusiness nicht vor 2020 zu rechnen, hat Tesla vor kurzem so bestätigt (vorher sind nur Scheingewinne "non-GAAP" möglich).Na, da sehen wir mal, welcher Kelch hier an uns vorübergegangen ist!
Wobei Elon Musk ja bekannt dafür ist, dass er Firmen aufbaut, um sie dann, wenn sie laufen, teurer zu verkaufen.
Ich prophezeie mal, dass die nächste Generation von Autos nicht zwangsläufig von der Automobilindustrie kommen wird sondern von Firmen wie Tesla, Google, Apple oder Zulieferern (Batterieherstellern) wie Samsung.
Die Speicherung elektrischer Energie mittels Batterien hat m.E. eine grosse Zukunft. Meine Grobvision:- EV's mit leicht auswechselbaren, weltweit bezügl. Dimension und Stecker genormten Batteriemoduln (z.B. 10 kWh Module in handlicher Grösse. Zur Erinnerung: ein Tesla hat max. eine 85 kWh Batterie)Und Tesla wird noch mehr frisches Geld brauchen da sie laufend in neue Märkte, wie eben stationäre Energiewinnung/speicherung, vorstossen:
Kostet dann die 10 kWh Batterie nur noch ein paar kFr. gibt das schon interessante Perspektive
Tesla Launches Batteries for Homes, Businesses, Utilities
Ich würde langfristig nicht in Schweizer Kraftwerke investieren, die zur Energiespeicherung Wasser in hochgelegene Stauseen raufpumpen. Diese Speicher sind weit weg von den Verbrauchern und immer mehr auch weit weg von den Stromerzeugern.“Our goal here is to fundamentally change the way the world uses energy,” Musk said at an event Thursday at the company’s design studio in Hawthorne, California. “We’re talking at the terawatt scale. The goal is complete transformation of the entire energy infrastructure of the world.”
Da machen wir doch mal ein bisschen 1. Jahr Physik und ein paar Ueberlegungen wie beim Fermi-Problem ("Wieviele Klavierstimmer gibt es in Chikago?")Mich würde noch wunder nehmen, wieviele Tonnen Akkus es brauchen würde, um die Speicherfähigkeit eines beliebigen schweizer Stausees zu ersetzen.
:cheers:"The issue with existing batteries," Musk mused, "is that they suck"
Finde ich schon sehr bemerkenswert.12. The spirit of open source continues. Tesla’s open patent policy has been extended to both the battery technology and the design of the $5 billion gigafactory itself.
Ich hatte das Privileg während ein paar Jahren in einem (sehr erfolgreichen) Firma zu arbeiten, die dem Chef (Patron) alleine gehörte. Hatte er eine Idee, konnte ihn nichts stoppen, schon gar nicht der Hinweis auf die (Entwicklungs-) Kosten. Sein Standardspruch (sinngemäss): " Das ist mein Geld und macht euch keine Sorgen, meine Familie hat am Sonntag immer noch Fleisch auf dem Teller!"Don’t assume anything. Don’t accept that what people have done before you is correct. Instead, formulate your engineering problem clearly and then start at the most basic level to solve it. In first-principles speak, this means getting right down to the raw physics to see if there are any laws of nature that might get in your way. If the physics allow for the possibility of something to happen, then carry on, even if the job seems very hard.
Kein Fehler. Ich hab's unabhängig von Dir mal nachgerechnet und komme auf 13.625 statt 15 Mio kWh. Ich habe g=9.81 statt g=10 genommen, das erklärt die DifferenzDa es seit meinem ersten Physikjahr einige Jahrzehnte her ist, könnte sich oben natürlich ein Fehlerchen eingeschlichen haben.