Ich interpretiere das so, dass die zwei Akkus massiv verschieden voneinander sind. Leider wird nicht geagt, wieviele Ladezyklen die kleinere aushält. Es ist ja offensichtlich, dass die Anwendung "Pufferbatterie für Solarpanel" viele Lade-/Entladezyklen bedeutet (meistens wohl Teilentladungen).Even Elon Musk's SolarCity, the biggest supplier in the U.S., isn't ready to install Tesla's home battery for daily users
The new Tesla Powerwall home batteries come in two sizes—seven and 10 kilowatt hours (kWh)—but the differences extend beyond capacity to the chemistry of the batteries. The 7kWh version is made for daily use, while its larger counterpart is only intended to be used as occasional backup when the electricity goes out. The bigger Tesla battery isn't designed to go through more than about 50 charging cycles a year, according to SolarCity spokesman Jonathan Bass.
Dieses Argument dürfte auch für die Schweiz zutreffen.Here’s where things get interesting. SolarCity, with Musk as its chairman, has decided not to install the 7kWh Powerwall that’s optimized for daily use. Bass said that battery "doesn't really make financial sense" because of regulations that allow most U.S. solar customers to sell extra electricity back to the grid
(Quelle)Der Bundesrat setzt die von der Bundesversammlung im Juni 2013 beschlossene Änderung des Energiegesetzes per 1. Januar 2014 in Kraft. Damit stehen künftig mehr Mittel für die kostendeckende Einspeisevergütung (KEV) zur Verfügung. Betreiber von kleinen Photovoltaik-Anlagen erhalten statt der KEV einen einmaligen Investitionsbeitrag (Einmalvergütung) und stromintensive Unternehmen können die Rückerstattung der bezahlten Netzzuschläge beantragen, wenn sie im Gegenzug ihre Energieeffizienz steigern.
Dann noch einen Seitenblick auf DeutschlandBut if its sole purpose is to provide backup power to a home, the juice it offers is but a sip. The model puts out just 2 kilowatts of continuous power, which could be pretty much maxed out by a single vacuum cleaner, hair drier, microwave oven or a clothes iron. The battery isn’t powerful enough to operate a pair of space heaters; an entire home facing a winter power outage would need much more. In sunnier climes, meanwhile, it provides just enough energy to run one or two small window A/C units.
Man muss es Musk lassen. Sowohl bei EV wie bei Batterien macht er das was man im Englischen mit "pushing the boat out" bezeichnet.But the Powerwall product that has captured the public's imagination has a long way to go before it makes sense for most people. Even in Germany, where solar power is abundant and electricity prices are high, the economics of an average home with rooftop solar "are not significantly enhanced by including the Tesla battery," according to an analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
Nebenbei zum Thema Batterien: hat jemand kürzlich mal was von Leclanché gehört?Tesla is probably making very little profit on the home batteries at this point and might even be selling them at a loss, according to research by BNEF. Both Tesla and SolarCity are just getting started, trying to get some traction before Tesla's massive $5 billion battery factory in Nevada begins production as early as next year. That's when the battery market really gets interesting.
Eine Hype? Die Bedeutung von "Reservierungen" muss etwas relativiert werden. Bei der Reservation eines Tesla Autos müssen $ 5'000 angezahlt werden, nicht aber bei den Batterien;The numbers are impressive. In the first few days of reservations since the battery announcement on April 30, Tesla took orders worth roughly $800 million in potential revenue, according to figures compiled by Bloomberg Business.
Im Artikel werden die Probleme mit der 10 kW-Einheit für Solaranlagen nicht mehr erwähnt.... it's important to note the biggest caveat: reservations don’t necessarily convert to sales. That’s especially true for the home storage batteries sold under the name Powerwall. Anyone can go online and place a reservation, years in advance, with no money down and no commitment to buy.
Als zuverlässiger werden die Reservierungsdaten für das Powerpack für kommerzielle Anwendungen angesehen (1 Powerback = 100 kWh Block)The Powerwall home batteries designed to be paired with rooftop solar systems received 38,000 reservations, according to Musk's comments during Wednesday's earnings call.
Musk said the company has received 2,500 reservations for the commercial-scale batteries and that the typical installation comes with "at least 10 Powerpacks." So that's 25,000 units totaling 2.5 million kilowatt hours.
Das nenn ich klotzen und nicht kleckernThere's also no way for Tesla to keep up with the level of demand reflected by the early reservations. The company is sold out of storage batteries until mid-2016. Musk claimed the production of storage batteries alone could "easily" take up the entire capacity of Tesla's $5 billion factory in Nevada, which is scheduled to open next year. The massive facility was originally slated to devote about two-thirds of its output to electric-vehicle batteries. "We should try to make the factory bigger," Musk said.
Ich hatte vor einigen Monaten in Aktien Schweiz zur Firma gepostet, die Produkte sind langfrsitig wohl interessant doch scheinen die Margen (noch) nicht vorhanden zu sein:Tesla's New Battery Doesn't Work That Well With Solar
Nebenbei zum Thema Batterien: hat jemand kürzlich mal was von Leclanché gehört?Tesla is probably making very little profit on the home batteries at this point and might even be selling them at a loss, according to research by BNEF. Both Tesla and SolarCity are just getting started, trying to get some traction before Tesla's massive $5 billion battery factory in Nevada begins production as early as next year. That's when the battery market really gets interesting.
Offtopic, deshalb hier:Gibt es in CH auch so relaxte GV's?
Vratskiy, a 33-year-old software executive, wanted to swap his BMW X6 for a $75,000 Tesla S so badly that he agreed to pay almost double for it. With no sales network in Russia, he had to buy his sedan in the U.S. and spend $12,000 to fly it to Moscow, where it cost $50,000 to clear customs.
Für andere dagegen scheint ein Tesla eher ein schlechtes Omen zu sein.“I love gadgets and this thing is pure gadget, like an iPhone on wheels,” said Ivan Streshinskiy, who manages most of Alisher Usmanov’s $14 billion fortune as head of USM Advisors. He bought a white Model S last summer and is shopping for a red one.
Sind die elektromagnetischen Felder doch gefährlicher als gedacht? Erwartet uns nun statt des Benzin-/Dieselsmogs das potenziell grössere Probleme des Elektrosmogs weil geruchlos und unsichtbar?Der Berner BDP-Nationalrat Hans Grunder erlitt am Steuer seines Tesla einen Schlaganfall.
Die sportlichen Elektroautos von Tesla sind auf Schweizer Strassen keine Seltenheit mehr: In den ersten fünf Monaten dieses Jahres war der Tesla S mit 385 Fahrzeugen die meistverkaufte Oberklasse-Limousine in der Schweiz. Weltweit hat das US-amerikanische Unternehmen im dritten Verkaufsjahr 21'552 Fahrzeuge seines Modells Tesla S auf die Strassen gebracht – das sind 54 Prozent mehr als in den Vorjahresmonaten, wie eine soeben erschienene Studie des Center Automotive Research (CAR) der Universität Duisburg-Essen belegt.
Längerfristig machten die neuen Elektroautos den altbekannten Oberklasse-Autobauern wie Porsche, Audi oder Mercedes den Markt streitig, schreibt der renommierte Automobilexperte Ferdinand Dudenhöffer.
Schon mal gesagt: hier wird geklotzt und nicht gekleckert.Tesla needs those batteries soon. The company plans to launch its first electric SUV, the Model X, in the next two months and its more affordable Model 3 in 2017. Tesla's new storage batteries for homes, businesses, and utilities have enough demand to soak up a Gigafactory of batteries on their own, according to Musk.