Ganz interessanter Zyklus aus dem jüdischen Glauben: Alle 7 Jahre sind sogenannte
Shemitah-Jahre und in diesen Jahren "passiert oft etwas dramatisches" (um es mal salopp zu formulieren).
Shemitah-Jahre laufen entsprechend dem jüdischen Kalender immer von September bis September.
Das aktuelle Jahr ist wieder ein Shemitah-Jahr und läuft vom 25 September 2014 bis 13 September 2015.
Entsprechend - so die Theorie - dass um den 13. September 2015 irgend etwas dramatisches passiert.
Beispiele für Ereignisse in der Vergangenheit in Shemitah-Jahren:
1917- America rises to power ending World War I. The rising of the Communist State of the Soviet Union.
1917- The defeat of Germany. The fall of the Czar of Russia. The fall the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. The fall of the Turkish-Ottoman Empire.
1938- German Nazis attack Jewish businesses and burn Jewish Synagogues on Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass.)
1945- Nazi Germany is defeated. The Atomic bomb is dropped on Japan thus ending World War II. Japan signs peace treaty the same week of the end of the Shemitah year.
1945- The United States becomes a military super power. The U.S. dollar becomes the world standard currency. The United States is the richest country in the world, and the world's largest lender nation.
1973- The United States Supreme Court declares that America's can kill their unborn babies.
1973- The World Trade Center is completed which is a symbol of Americas economic strength.
1973- America looses its first war to Vietnam. Nixon takes America off the Gold standard. This sets in motion the decline of the U.S. dollar.
1980- The U.S. Supreme Court bans the posting of the Ten Commandments in Public Schools. Thus God is now completely banned from our public schools in America.
2001- The World Trade Center buildings (the symbols of Americas economic strength) are destroyed by an Islamic terrorist attack. One week later Wall Street has one of its greatest collapses on the last day of the Jewish Shemitah Year.
2008- Exactly seven years later, Wall Street suffers its largest decline. America is now the world's largest debtor nation.
2014-2015- In Sept of 2014 we start a new Shemitah Year. This happens in connection with a Tetrad of 4 Blood Moons which all occur on Jewish feast days. As the United States has turn away from God and endorsed many sins, it is very possible that God's judgment will fall on America during this year of the Shemitah.
Meine Meinung: Ganz interessant, ansonsten hätte ich es nicht gepostet. Was ich mich aber frage: Was ist mit all den Ereignissen, die ebenso wichtige Wendepunkte markiert haben und
nicht in ein Shemitah-Jahr gefallen sind?